
How to choose pop up stand?

        Before you inquiry or buying pop up stand, please keep patient to read all as below.

        Pop up banner stand is suitable for the backwall exihibition for big event, exihibition and adverstisng, normally for indoor use.  it can be folded to one small part, put it trolley bag or trolley hard case, you can  unfold it when you use it, it can be one big backwall , it is very convenient and portable.

        The height normally is about 220 to 240cm, or 8ft, the width can be 240cm(8ft), 300cm(10ft), biggest is 600cm(20ft). it also called normally call 3*3, 3*4, 3*5, 3*6, 3*7, 3*8, it means grids. for example 3*3, it means the height is 3 grids and the width is 3 grids. 3*3 and 3*4 is the best sales.

        The pop up has many types, please check the relationship as below:

        Pop up has PVC pop up and Fabric pop up, PVC pop up, its graphic is PVC film, but for Fabric pop up, the graphic is fabric.

        Spring pop up is  the first invented PVC pop up, but  later people found that it is a little difficult and waste time to install the iron pole, then the magnetic pop up is invented, but Spring pop up is also popular because of its lower cost, so Spring pop up is also called Economic pop up, and later later, Self-lock luxury pop up was invented, the connector no need, and the magnetic pop is three part pole is an entire designed.

         Fabric pop up, the graphic is attched through velcro, the graphic is environmental and more easy to transport.

         Then I will introduce all the pop up to you.

First, let’s know about the principle of PVC graphic for PVC Pop up banner.

Then I will introduce all the pvc pop up banner for you.

 Spring pop up Generation One  PTC-PU-1A  easy to install

Spring pop up Generation TWO  PTC-PU-1B  more stable

Spring pop up  PTC-PU-1S   The most stable

Single magnetic pop up stand  PTC-PU-2C  Easy to install the magnetic pole and PVC banner

Double magnetic pop up  PTC-PU-2B  Easy to install the magnetic pole and PVC banner

Self-Lock luxury pop up banner  PTC-PU-4

Pop up tower  PTC-PU-6

        Fabric pop up, the graphic is attched through velcro, the graphic is environmental and more easy to transport.

Let’s see the principle of fabric pop up first as pvc pop up.

Hook fabric pop up banner  PTC-PU-3A  Round tube

Hook fabric pop up banner PTC-PU-3A  Square tube  more stable

Plastics lock fabric pop up stand  PTC-PU-3B   square tube

Below is accessory for pop up.

Ok, then we have go through all the pop up.

Do you know the differnce of pop up, and which pop up is suitable for your case?  then please tell us the item number, size, which accessory? quantity?

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PREV : The family of tension fabric display.

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